• Top 5 Eating Habits


    While it is indeed puzzling to instruct human beings on how they should consume food, the modern world’s demands of convenience and haphazard lifestyle choices has led to us embracing anarchy instead of fixed routines.

    Switching to a healthier lifestyle isn’t as hard as it seems though. It involves an accumulation of very basic functions which when combined into a regular routine, yields incredible results.

    Here are 5 of them:

    1) Switch to Healthy Cooking Techniques

    The healthiest foods are best served when least tampered with.
    Avoid deep fried items, and veggies boiled well beyond them losing their colour.   

    Instead you could choose to:

    Grill or barbecue vegetables
    Use herbs, spices, and ground pepper instead of salt
    Steam vegetables until they’re light or very crunchy

    2) Water: Nature’s Elixir

    Water is key element in any diet, aiding in digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients. While we all know that water is an essential element for our well being, it’s staggering to note that most adults and children don’t drink enough water.

    The required median for water consumption on a daily basis is 2.6 litres for men and 2.1 litres for women. Do you consume as much?
    If not, ensure that your daily water consumption meets your body needs.

    3) Un-pack with un-processed food!

    Today’s fast-paced world calls for convenience more than anything else. It is unfortunately this striving for convenience that has given birth to processed foods. While they might save time on preparation, they’re far from healthy.
    Packaged foods are higher in salt, fat, and sugar while lacking nutrients and fibre as well. 

    Stick to unprocessed food and fresh veggies and see your health dramatically change for the better in no time.

    4) Never Skip Meals

    A common ploy used by individuals to lose weight involves skipping meals. While this method may appeal to our common sense, it is actually counter-productive. Skipping a meal depletes your body of energy and nutrition, only forcing more hunger pangs and cravings for junk food. In the long run, it eventually causes more calorie intake.

    5) Eat Lunch Like a King

    The standard dieting adage revolves around a heavy breakfast but it is in fact a heavy lunch that is more relevant to the modern individual. Your body is usually at its peak digestive power and is most probably in need of fuel for the rest of the day during lunch hours. A rich meal emphasizing on proteins and greens could enrich your lifestyle significantly.  






    • Tags
    • Athlete Nutrition
    • Bodybuilding Protein
    • Eating
    • food
    • habits
    • Nutrition
    • Proliva
    • Protein
    • Protein Powder
    • Vegetarian Protein
    • Whey


    Nutrisattva is a protein innovation company focused on developing natural protein nutrition for individuals across age groups, nutritional needs, and lifestyles. Founded on the belief that the strains of urban living requires a natural, informed and convenience-based approach to good health, Nutrisattva develops products built on the knowledge of nutrition science, fitness and Ayurveda.

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