• What’s in your protein shake? – The Garden Island


    A protein shake for breakfast and before you go out can help you maintain and not gain.

    If you take animal protein, the best shakes use whey protein. However, you must get a product that sources the whey from specific suppliers. You want to ensure that the high-quality product you seek is from animals that are treated humanely, and that graze naturally on clean, un-sprayed grass.

    Whey from cows that eat GMO treated corn produces GMO whey. Corn is also not well tolerated by cows as their natural food is grass. Feeding corn to cows, GMO or not, produces intestinal upset in the animals which is then treated with drugs which also goes into the milk.

    When cows spend the time grazing naturally on pastures rather than being confined, they are well-exercised and healthier. This means less use of antibiotics. You want a whey-based protein powder from a manufacturer who ensures that no antibiotic treated milk is ever used in the production of their product.

    As well as antibiotics and GMO in milk, the other big question of concern is the use of hormones. Look for a product that does not use bovine growth hormone.

    Firstly, you don’t need to ingest cow hormones but it is also not good for the cow either.

    The use of hormones is strictly to have the animal grow bigger faster and produce an inordinate amount of milk. This leads to inflammation of the udder and you guessed it — more drugs including antibiotics to treat the inflammation.

    As well as what happens with the whey as the cow is producing, it you want to search out a whey-based protein powder that is produced in a fashion that maximizes it digestibility, and its bio-availability. This process would naturally include flash-pasteurization and un-denatured ultra-filtration methods. This process kills potentially pathogenic bacteria and yet keeps the milk proteins intact.

    This is an important aspect to protein shakes being viable as a healthy meal. Denatured proteins have lost their biologically active shape and therefore are not as assimilable as un-denatured proteins.

    Finally, in the search for perfect nutrition you want to deal with a company that has a rigorous testing program in place that tests for potential contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides or microbes and further sends their product to an outside third-party site for finished product verification testing.

    You don’t get this level of safety and security buying protein powder off the shelf and simply doing a comparison of price rather than value.

    Source: What’s in your protein shake? – The Garden Island


    Nutrisattva is a protein innovation company focused on developing natural protein nutrition for individuals across age groups, nutritional needs, and lifestyles. Founded on the belief that the strains of urban living requires a natural, informed and convenience-based approach to good health, Nutrisattva develops products built on the knowledge of nutrition science, fitness and Ayurveda.

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